Heifers – Myria Schubbert – Tarkington FFA

Lot 22

Heifers - Myria Schubbert - Tarkington FFA

Heifers - Myria Schubbert
Tarkington FFA

1 Heifer x1 Money

Hi, my name is Myria Schubert and I am a senior at Tarkington High School. I have shown at Dairy Day for two years now. This would have been my last show of my senior year, after graduation I plan on attending Blinn for pre-veterinarian science so I can move to Texas A&M University and continue into Veterinarian Sciences to earn my doctorates degree. My heifer calf is 15 months old and weight 1190 lbs. I spend two hours in the mornings bathing and walking Ruby and two hours in the evenings walking and setting up Ruby, my cow. I work very hard with my cow and I love to show it's the greatest blessing God has given me. All profits will go towards rent and college expenses. Thank you so much for biding on my calf!